Fishing/Arm in a Cast

Can’t go to work cuz my arm is in a cast.” Casting a pole that is. I’ve gone fishing and I’m not coming home till I catch something. I was first turned on to fishing by my Grandma. My sister and I would spend Summers with her and my Grandpa when we were little. They would come pick us up and we would go camping or just back to their house. That is where ever they were living at the time. My Grandpa’s work moved them from state to state quite often.

My Grandma and Grandpa loved to travel, camp, and see new things. It seemed they were always off somewhere doing something. So it was exciting spending the Summer with them. To hear about their travels and look at pictures. Fishing was my Grandparent’s hobby that they had in common. They both grew up fishing.


I think I was eight years old when my Grandma first took us fishing. They were living in Wyoming during this time and it was something to do while Grandpa was at work. I figured I’d just sit there and watch her. Oh no! My Grandma taught me to dig for worms and how to put them on a hook. There was no sitting around till the lines were in the water. We had so much fun that Summer learning this new skill. I don’t even remember if I caught anything. Other than the fever for fishing. I went on to fish here and there throughout my life until I met my husband that is. He has been an Angler from the time he could hold a pole.

Born in Alaska

My husband was born in Alaska and fishing was part of life. It was part of filling the freezer for winter and filling your belly after a day of fishing. See I’d eaten fish but had never eaten fresh caught the same day fish. I normally threw them back when I caught them, it was a sport for me not to catch dinner. But my husband showed me real fishing. How to catch the biggest freshest fish then come home and clean them up for dinner.

Fishing together

We have been fishing together for 13 years and don’t plan on stopping till the good lord calls us home. It is our Sunday time away from the house and it’s always a new adventure checking out the next hot spot. Since we’ve lived in Colorado for the past 4 years we’ve probably fished anytime the weather would allow. Which is often. The rain doesn’t bother us and forget about the snow. We ice fish in the winter. We have a freezer stocked with fresh fish for when the roads get too ugly for a day trip.


Our Goal

Our goal is to try every lake and reservoir in our home state. We plan to travel to nearby states in the summers and try our luck there too. This summer we are planning a trip to Alaska, so I can see where he grew up and to do some deep-sea fishing for Halibut and King Salmon. I’m beyond excited! This winter we will go back out on the ice to fish and hopefully reel in some big ones. We have all our gear ready to go when Mother Nature gives us the go-ahead. For now, we will take our Sunday drives to a reservoir we haven’t tried yet and try our luck. When we catch our limit we share our freshly caught bounty with the neighbors. They appreciate it! So for now I’ll keep my arm in a cast and see you at the fish fry!

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