My Fur Babies

Meet my Fur Babies. The best little 4-legged members of our family. They are my little Prince and Princess and their reign is Mighty. So if you haven’t guessed I have two pets that are dogs. One is Puck (Mid Summer Nights Dream), my Mom named him. The other is Darlynne (named after my sister and me), a combination of our names. Pronounced Darlin. Puck is 6 and Darlynne is 4. They are good dogs, but little beggars! I’ve never had dogs growing up so training didn’t happen like it was supposed to.

It all started from a young age

When I was little and would play house with my friends, I never had kids. I would tell them that I wouldn’t have babies until I started my career. So when we played house I played office. I would have a pretend husband at home, that is when he came home from work. Talk about a little girl with a life plan! Well as I got older that plan never changed. I’d always planned on going to college, starting my career, and seeing what happened after that.

God had other plans

Well, God had other plans for me. I think I was in my thirties, single, and childless. That’s when the doctor came into my exam room after my yearly exam and said I wasn’t able to have children due to my PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome). I struggled with PCOS all my life but didn’t realize it would leave me infertile. So with that news, I had to become the best version of myself and just love everyone unconditionally. That has worked. I have a wonderful husband, we’ve been together for 13 years and he came with a dog. Unfortunately as does happen the dog passed from old age quite early in our relationship. It wasn’t until I went to care for my ailing mother that we considered getting a small dog to be a companion for my mom.

Puck to the rescue

My mom decided she wanted a little white dog and one that didn’t shed. Not a tall order, but let’s just say a Maltese wasn’t in the budget. I searched online for other breeds that would fit the bill and stumbled upon a lady a few towns away that bred Bischon Friese. We saw all their little pictures online and picked the one we thought we’d like. He was so cute and fit in the palm of your hand. Well as luck would have it Puck, Mom, my husband, and myself all bonded quickly. That is until Mom decided that he smelled like a dog and he would now be mine. That was fine because I took care of him and he and Mom still had time together when she could handle it. We lived in the same house together.

The funny part is:

The funny part is since raising Puck and caring for him. I had decided I wanted a dog of my own. I had had a Blue Heeler during a previous relationship and liked a medium to small dog. So back online I went and wouldn’t you know I came across Mini Australian Shepherd Puppies. My heart swelled and seeing how Puck was 2 by this point I figured he would love some company. Darlynne my sweet girl was born on Valentine’s Day in 2019. Isn’t that the cutest thing? And later when Mom was placed into a Nursing home that August. Puck was mine to love on forever. Now I have two dogs that are my Babies. My Fur Babies. The good thing is both are fixed so I won’t have any Grand Fur Babies.

Sadly, they won’t be with me forever. One of us is bound to leave this world without the other, but I know we will meet again over the rainbow bridge. My Fur Babies keep me young and in decent shape. Like it or not. I’ll take care of and love them forever.

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