My Gypsy Soul


I was always teased from a young age that my parent bought me as a baby from a band of gypsies. Well I guess that moniker stuck! I have literally moved 19 times in 40 years. I left home to pursue my own way right after high school graduation and haven’t looked back. In my mind I was always looking for my tribe and it wasn’t until I moved back home after a work injury that I found my “Soul Mate.” I’ve lived in 10 different states and visited 6 others, briefly. I’ve moved over 20 times and it wasn’t until I met my husband and we moved to Colorado that I put down roots. I didn’t live in a Caravan or anything like that. Not that I wouldn’t have like to. It’s just that I would have need 2 extra ones, one for my clothes and one for my love of shoes. It would have looked more like a train than a Caravan. It wasn’t that I was running from anything or anyone I felt more led to the places I moved on to. I think I was looking for the soul to match my Gypsy Soul.

Before we came to Colorado my husband and I have moved 5 times. Talk about a Gypsy Soul mate! That was more times than he had moved in his entire life. I tend to rub off on people that way I guess. They get “Wander Lust.” We really have put down roots here in Colorado. We even bought a house! Now if that isn’t roots, I don’t know what is.

They say Gypsies are mysterious and exciting. Well who doesn’t like a little excitement and mystery now and then? It was always exciting moving to an unknown place and meeting the people there. I seemed to learn something new everywhere I went. Now my husband and I explore our great state. We are constantly going on an “Adventure” as we like to call it. Finding new bodies of water because we love to fish and then coming home and sharing our fresh caught bounty with our grateful neighbors.

I also Love to cook and my husband says I’m continually cooking for a clan. I always make more than enough for us. So I then dole out the overages to friends and neighbors alike. They all seem to like my cooking and look forward to the next time I make too much dinner. I’ll post some of my favorite recipies on subsequent pages, so please check back often.

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