Is College Worth It?


The question of whether college is worth it is gaining more traction by the day. It seems like college can sometimes feel like a waste of time, money, and energy, and it’s certainly responsible for creating enormous debts that can impact people financially for a long time. Some are even passing these debts down to multiple generations to repay.

With school tuition costs on the rise, along with grades, it’s interesting to note that wealth rates around the world are actually declining, much like the unemployment rate. It’s a complex issue that many are grappling with these days.

“Colleges barely teach students, yet every year they increase their tuitions. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

Is College Worth It?

OK… let’s all take a look at this…

45% of students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning” over the first two years of college. That is Closer to 40% that didn’t learn anything worthwhile at all over all four years.

College is definitely not making People Smarter.

I’m really hitting the nail on the head with these points! It’s surprising to hear that many students don’t put in much study time, with a whopping 35% reporting less than 5 hours of study time a week. That’s only 2.67 hours a day, which is less than the time they spend on shopping, eating, and partying.

What’s even more concerning is the consistent uptick in adult illiteracy and the fact that a majority of college grads fall below average in cognitive tasks like calculating the costs of food in a supermarket.

It’s pretty eye-opening to learn that college grads in the US are testing at or below high school levels compared to kids in several other countries. It seems like some top universities are also declining in their academic rigor, which is quite surprising.

And the fact that college classes are becoming less substantial while GPAs continue to be over 3.0 averages is a bit concerning. It’s almost like grade inflation is highest at private schools, and more students are falling behind, but somehow nobody fails. These are some serious issues to think about when considering the value of a college education.

With Billions in Tax Payer dollars being sent to these Educational Institutions??? WHAT!!! If this was a Private Business. Fraud Indictments would be forthcoming. 

PBS Is college worth it

So, what’s the solution, you ask?

Well, it might not be your traditional investment of hundreds and thousands of dollars in college fees, but it’s the education you’ll have immediate access to. This education has a proven track record of helping students and their families create income streams ranging from hundreds to thousands a week.

Here’s the kicker – it’s not your average 2-year, 4-year, or 8-year course plan. You can actually learn and start earning within a month to six months. It’s all about getting results and making an impact in a shorter time frame!

Costs? Well, you can join for a diminutive amount as low as $97.

You’re absolutely right to be skeptical, especially when you consider the actual scam that college has turned out to be for millions of U.S. citizens.

And here’s the best part – you’ll have a full 60 days to decide if it’s the real deal or not, and if you’re not satisfied, you’ll get your $97 back!

So, are you ready to check it out? Take a peek here, and if it were me, I’d just go ahead, join, and see for myself what I’m about to learn. When applied correctly, this could lead to increased potential incomes and freedom of time, and you’re right, they definitely don’t teach this in school. With all the questions about whether college is worth it, you might just find some excellent options once you connect with this.

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